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15N chemische Verschiebungen


liquid NH3 at 25°C = 0 ppm
All chemical shifts given in ppm!
Source: Bruker Almanac 2012


Type chemical shift range
primary aliphatic amines 0 to 60
secondary aliphatic amines 0 to 90
tertiary aliphatic amines 10 to 100
prim. aliphatic ammonium ions 20 to 60
sec. aliphatic ammonium ions 25 to 80
tert. aliphatic ammonium ions 30 to 110
amino acids (cation, zwitterion) 30 to 60
enamines 40 to 110
anilinium ions 40 to 60
piperidines, hydroquinolines 30 to 90
aminophosphines 60 to 110
guanidines -N< 30 to 60

=N< 160 to 220

ureas, carbamates, lactames 60 to 130
primary amides 110 to 120
secondary amides 110 to 160
tertiary amides 95 to 140
thioureas 90 to 130
thioamides 135 to 160
Nitramines NO2 340 to 360

-N< 155 to 200

indoles, pyrroles 125 to 160
hydrazones =N- 330 to 340

-N< 150 to 190

triazenes -N=N-N< 445 to 465

-N=N-N< 355 to 375

-N=N-N< 150 to 175

imides 170 to 180
nitriles, isonitriles -C≡N 225 to 240

-N≡C 175 to 210

pyrrole like nitrogens 160 to 260
Diazo >=N=N 320 to 445

>=N=N 230 to 310

Diazonium R3C-N≡N 320 to 345

R3C-N≡N 220 to 230

Pyridines 230 to 330
pyridine like nitrogen 245 to 520
imines 305 to 375
oximes 360 to 410
azoxy 325 to 370
nitro 355 to 395
azo 505 to 555
nitroso S-NO to Ar-NO 800 to 930

N-N=O 540 to 570

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4 Kommentare

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  1. Is there a reference or a book that contains these shifts?

    1. Hallo,
      THIS is a reference! But the table is based on Merck Tables; Bruker Almanac and other sources.

  2. enjoyed this post Steffen’s Wissensblog » 15N chemical shifts and i don’t wish to be that individual… but i do think maybe your website could look a little better if you would have a litte black in it. Only my suggestion, definitely liked this post otherwise =) Best regards, koh samui hotell

    1. Many thanks for your comment. The problem is to find a good theme with a flexible width for some of my tables.

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