1. February 2025
2003 The American space shuttle Columbia breaks on its return 60 km above Texas. All 7 crew members die.
1805: Samuel Earnshaw, British clergyman, physicist and mathematician
1905: Emilio Segrè, US-American physicist
1650:René Descartes,French scientist and philosopher
1971: Hans Beyer, German chemist
1976: 'Werner Karl Heisenberg died in Munich. In 1932 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the hydrogen spectrum. The uncertainty relation named after him is also one of his many respectable achievements.
1998: Marga Faulstich, German glass chemist
2009: Franz Xaver Eder, German physicist
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February 2
February 2
2. February 2025
Born in
1552: Ernst Hettenbach, German physicist and physician
1648: Samuel Strimesius, German physicist and Reformed theologian
1767: Heinrich Friedrich Link, German natural scientist
1786: Jacques Philippe Marie Binet, French mathematician
1845: Johann Puluj, Ukrainian physicist
1860: August Gutzmer, German mathematician
1892: Cuno Hoffmeister, German astronomer and geophysicist
1893: Cornelius Lanczos, Hungarian mathematician and physicist
1917: Herman Feshbach, US-American physicist
1907:Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Russian chemist and co-discoverer of the Periodic Table of the Elements, in St. Petersburg
1974: Imre Lakatos, Hungarian mathematician, physicist and science theorist
2006:Perre Potier, French chemist and drug researcher
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February 3
February 3
3. February 2025
1966: The Soviet space probe Luna 9 succeeds in the first soft landing of a probe on the moon (in the sea of storms).
Born in
1702: Michael Adelbulner, German mathematician, physicist and astronomer
1890: Paul Scherrer, Swiss physicist
1898: Pavel Samuilovich Urysohn, Russian mathematician
1910: Rupert Viktor Oppenauer, Austrian chemist
1919: Edward Charles Pickering, US astronomer and physicist
1925: Oliver Heaviside, British mathematician and physicist
1929: Agner Krarup Erlang, Danish mathematician
1968: Carl Krauch, German chemist and large-scale industrialist
1975: William David Coolidge, US-American physicist
1980: Walter E. Richartz, German chemist and writer
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February 4
February 4
4. February 2025
1975: An earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale in the People's Republic of China claimed around 10,000 lives.
1976: More than 23,000 people die in an earthquake in Guatemala with hundreds of earth tremors.
Born in
1627: Robert Boyle, Irish chemist and natural scientist
1776: Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus, German physician and natural scientist
1875: Ludwig Prandtl, German physicist
1896: Friedrich Hund, German physicist
1902: Charles Lindbergh, US Pilot
1906: Clyde Tombaugh, US-American astronomer
1927: Rolf Landauer, German-US-American physicist and information scientist
1889: Carl Leverkus, chemical entrepreneur
1925: Oliver Heaviside,English physicist
1928: Fritz Raschig, German industrialist, chemist and politician
1974: Satyendranath Bose, Indian physicist
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February 5
February 5
5. February 2025
1783: A series of earthquakes begins that strikes Messina and especially parts of Calabria. By 28 March, 300 villages are destroyed and some 30,000 people lose their lives.
1980: Klaus von Klitzing discovers the so-called quantum Hall effect in the high-field magnetic laboratory in Grenoble.
Born in
1608:Caspar Schott, German scientist, in Königshofen
1840: John Boyd Dunlop, Irish-British inventor
1840: Hiram Maxim, US-American-British inventor
1882: August Kopff, German astronomer, discoverer of asteroids
1790: William Cullen, Scottish physician and chemist
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February 6
February 6
6. February 2025
1886: During the investigation of Argyrodit Clemens Winkler discovered the Eka silicon, better known as germanium, predicted by Mendeleev.
1566: Georg Wecker, German physician and physicist
1802: Charles Wheatstone, British physicist
1861: Nikolai Dmitryevich Selinsky, Russian chemist
1865: Andrew Crommelin, British astronomer
1879: Carl Ramsauer, German physicist
1930: Jun Kondo, Japanese physicist
1941: Klaus Buchner, German physicist and politician
1960: Markus Antonietti, German chemist
1804:Joseph Priestley, English chemist
2002:'Max Ferdinand Perutz, Austrian-English chemist, in Cambridge. In 1962 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with John Cowdery Kendrew. In 1960 Kendrew and Perutz were the first to clarify the three-dimensional structures of haemoglobin and myoglobin.
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February 7
February 7
7. February 2025
1785: The German-British astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovers the antenna galaxies in the constellation Rabe.
120: Vettius Valens, Greek astronomer and astrologer
1824: William Huggins, British astronomer
1889: Harry Nyquist, US-American physicist
1905: Ulf Svante von Euler-Chelpin, Swedish neurochemist and physiologist, born in Stockholm. Among other things, he discovered prostaglandin and noradrenalin. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
1940: Toshihide Masukawa, Japanese physicist and Nobel Prize winner
1897: Galileo Ferraris, Italian engineer and physicist
1960: Igor Vasilevich Kurchatov, Russian nuclear physicist
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February 8
February 8
8. February 2025
1969: The so-called Allende meteorite bursts over the Mexican state of Chihuahua. One of the many falling debris parts just misses the post office in Pueblito de Allende...
1777: Bernard Courtois, French chemist and discoverer of iodine.
1795: Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, German chemist, in Hamburg-Billwärder. One of his most important works was the identification of many organic components of coal tar.
1834: Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, Russian chemist and co-discoverer of the Periodic Table of the Elements, in Tobolsk.
1928: Theodor Curtius, German chemist
1946: Felix Hoffmann died in Switzerland. His achievements include the development of Aspirin. Shortly after the synthesis of aspirin, he also succeeded in synthesizing heroin.
1974: Fritz Zwicky, Swiss physicist and astronomer
1975: Robert Robinson, British chemist
1975: Sir Robert Robinson, British chemist and Nobel Prize winner, died in Great Missenden. He received his Nobel Prize in 1947 for the investigation of natural substances, in particular alkaloids.
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February 9
February 9
9. February 2025
1996: Researchers of the Society for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt announce the discovery of the copernicium.
Born in
1700: Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician
1781: Johann Baptist von Spix, German natural scientist
1893: Johann Wolfgang Amschler, German biologist
1925: Burkhard Heim, German physicist
1954: Ulrich Walter, German physicist and astronaut
1963: Brian Greene, US-American physicist
1811:Nevil Maskelyne, Royal Astronomer
1914: Niklaus Gerber, Swiss chemist and inventor
1944: Wera Tubandt, German chemist
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February 10
February 10
10. February 2025
Born in
1747: Yasuaki Aida, Japanese mathematician
1770: Alexandre Brongniart, French chemist and mineralogist, geologist and zoologist
1785:Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, French mathematician and pioneer of fluid dynamics
1943: Harald Fritzsch, German physicist
1944: Kurt Binder, Austrian physicist
1865: Emil Lenz, German-Baltic physicist
1868: David Brewster, British physicist, inventor of the kaleidoscope
1891: Sofja Kowalewskaja, Russian mathematician
1901: 'Max Josef von Pettenkofer, German chemist, in Munich. His merits lie mainly in the field of hygiene.'
1923: Conrad Wilhelm Röntgen, the discoverer of X-rays and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, in Munich.
1942: 'Lawrence Joseph Henderson. American chemist and biologist, in Cambridge. He did research in the field of buffer systems (Hasselbach-Henderson equation).
1948: Egon Schweidler, Austrian physicist
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February 11
February 11
11. February 2025
Born in
1800:'William Henry Fox Talbot in Melbury. He is considered the inventor of negative-positive photography.
1839: Josiah Willard Gibbs, American physicist
1847:Thomas Alva Edison, American inventor, in Milan (Ohio)
1861: Paul Prüssing, German chemist
1892: Ernst Schmidt, German thermodynamicist
1898: Leó Szilárd, Hungarian-German-US-American physicist and molecular biologist
1799:Lazaro Spallanzani, Italian physiologist and chemist
1911: Emil Jacobsen, German chemist and writer
1934: Fritz Klatte, German chemist
1973: J. Hans D. Jensen, German physicist
1981: Franz Sondheimer, German chemist
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February 12
February 12
12. February 2025
1855: Michigan State University is founded in East Lansing.
Born in
1665: Rudolf Jacob Camerer, German botanist and physician
1685: George Hadley, British Lawyer, Amateur Physicist and Meteorologist
1785:'Pierre Louis Dulong, French chemist and physicist, in Rouen.
Dulong-Petit's law (specific heat capacity) is named after him.
1788: Carl Ludwig Freiherr von Reichenbach born in Stuttgart. He was a versatile scholar and industrialist who covered paraffin and creosote rnit among other things.
1809:Charles Darwin, English scientist
1918: Julian Schwinger, US-American physicist
1941:Oskar Dressel, German dyestuff chemist, in Bonn
2011: Hans Bucka, German physicist and university professor
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February 13
February 13
13. February 2025
1419: The University of Rostock is founded by the Dukes Johann IV and Albrecht V of Mecklenburg and the Council of the Hanseatic City of Rostock.
1880: Thomas Alva Edison first observes the thermal emission of electrons from a heated cathode, later known as the Edison-Richardson effect.
1918: An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 in Guangdong Province, Republic of China, kills about 10,000 people.
Born in
1672: Étienne François Geoffroy (the elder), chemist and physician
1743: Joseph Banks, British naturalist
1805: Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, German mathematician
1834: Heinrich Caro, German chemist
1845: Wilhelm Oswald Lohse, German astronomer
1910:William Bradford Shockley, Nobel laureate in physics and inventor of the transistor, in London.
1934: Alexander Kaul, German biophysicist
1837: Edward Turner, British chemist
1913: Louis Aronstein, German physicist and chemist
1939: Søren Sørensen, Danish chemist
1957: Gustav Mie, German physicist
1990: Heinz Haber, German physicist, astronomer and television author
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February 14
February 14
14. February 2025
1747: The world's first engineering school, the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, is founded in Paris.
Born in
1862: Agnes Pockels, German chemist and physicist (autodidact), in Venice.
1877: Edmund Landau, German mathematician
1898: Fritz Zwicky, Swiss physicist and astronomer
1917: Herbert Aaron Hauptman, American mathematician and biophysicist, in New York City. In 1985 he received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for methods of crystal structure analysis.
1744: John Hadley, British astronomer and mathematician
1975: Julian Huxley, English biologist and philosopher
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February 15
February 15
15. February 2025
1786: The astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovers the Cat's Eye Nebula, a planetary nebula in the constellation dragon.
1564: Galileo Galilei in Pisa.
1826: George Johnstone Stoney, Irish physicist.
1858: William Henry Pickering, American astronomer
1873: Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin, German-Swedish chemist and Nobel Prize winner (sugar fermentation), in Augsburg.
1953: Friedrich Sauvigny, German mathematician
1736: Stephen Gray, British natural scientist
1847: Germinal Pierre Dandelin, Belgian mathematician
1943: Georg Popp, German chemist, university lecturer and criminalist
1944: Arthur Wehnelt, German physicist
1959: Owen Willans Richardson, British physicist, Nobel Prize winner
1975: Hans Kienle, German astronomer and astrophysicist
2007: Robert Adler, US-American physicist, electronics engineer and inventor
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February 16
February 16
16. February 2025
Born in
1497: Philipp Melanchthon, German reformer, theologian, philologist, philosopher, humanist, textbook author and poet
1514: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Austrian mathematician and astronomer
1791: Claude Servais Mathias Pouillet, French physicist
1827: Carl Bernhard Wilhelm Scheibler, German chemist
1902: Hans Andersag, German chemist
1892:Henry Walter Bates, English naturalist and explorer
2006:Erich Hückel, German chemist and physicist, in Marburg. Among other things, he established the Hückel rule named after him to define the aromatic state.
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February 17
February 17
17. February 2025
1164: During the Julianenflut, the first storm surge on the German North Sea coast, a preliminary stage of the Jade Bay is formed, there are 20,000 dead.
Born in
1723: Tobias Mayer, German cartographer, geographer, mathematician and astronomer
1838: Friedrich Konrad Beilstein, German-Russian chemist
1888:Otto Stern, German physicist, born in Sohrau. Together with W. Gerlach, he carries out the Stern-Gerlach experiment, named after you, to prove the quantization of direction. In 1943 he received the Nobel Prize for Physics.
1867: Alexander Dallas Bache, US-American physicist
1887: Leopold von Pebal, Austrian chemist
1907: Wilhelm von Bezold, German physicist and meteorologist
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February 18
February 18
18. February 2025
1804: The university, later renamed Ohio University, is founded as American Western University.
1930:US astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovers the (dwarf) planet Pluto.
Born in
1745:Alessandro Volta (actually Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Count of Volta), Italian physicist, in Como. He is regarded as the inventor of the battery.
1838:Ernst Mach, German-Austrian physicist, in Turany near Brno.
1899: Sophus Lie, Norwegian mathematician
1900: Eugenio Beltrami, Italian mathematician
1967:Robert Oppenheimer, US physicist and father of the atomic bomb
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February 19
February 19
19. February 2025
1878:US inventor Thomas Edison patents the phonograph
Born in
1473:Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer, in Torun
1799:Ferdinand Reich, German chemist and physicist, in Bernburg.
1859:Svante August Arrhenius, Swedish physicochemist and Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, in Uppsala.
1889: Ernest Marsden, English physicist
1936: Jürgen Voß, German chemist
1941: David Gross, US-American physicist, Nobel Prize winner
1943: Tim Hunt, British biochemist, Nobel Prize winner
1956: Roderick MacKinnon, US biochemist and physician, Nobel laureate in chemistry. He was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research on ion channel proteins.
1916: Ernst Mach, Austrian physicist
1963: Gustav Peter Bucky, German radiologist, physicist, scientist and inventor
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February 20
February 20
20. February 2025
Born in
1759: Johann Christian Reil, Hallescher Stadtphysikus and one of the famous sons of Halle/Saale, in Rhaude. He "invented" the term psychiatry (later psychiatry) and earned merits in the field of psychotherapy.
1844: Ludwig Boltzmann, Austrian physicist
1937: Robert Huber, German chemist and Nobel Prize winner in chemistry (1988), in Munich. He received the Nobel Prize for his research into the three-dimensional structure of the reaction centre of photosynthesis in a purple bacterium.
1762: Tobias Mayer, German cartographer, geographer, mathematician, physicist and astronomer
1778: Laura Bassi, Italian philosopher, first professor of physics in Europe
1841: Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner, German pharmacist and discoverer of morphine
1892: Hermann Kopp, German chemist and chemical historian
1907: Henry Moissan, French chemist and Nobel Prize winner, in Paris. He succeeded in isolating monosilane. In addition, he rendered outstanding services to the isolation of fluorine.
1913: Robert von Lieben, Austrian physicist
1939: August Leonhard Bernoulli, Swiss physicist
1941: Arthur Erich Haas, Austrian physicist
1951: Lorenz Ludwig Maximilian Ernst von Angerer, German physicist
1956: Heinrich Barkhausen, German physicist
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February 21
February 21
21. February 2025
1858: An earthquake destroys the Greek city of Corinth. It is then rebuilt six kilometres away.
Born in
1791: John Mercer, British chemist, in Great Harwood. He invented mercerisation, a process for textile finishing.
1895: Carl Peter Henrik Dam, Danish physiologist and biochemist, in Copenhagen. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1943 for his discovery of vitamin K.
1904: Charles Frederick Goodeve, Canadian chemist
1915: Yevgeny Mikhailovich Lifschitz, Soviet physicist
1854: Johann Heinrich Moritz von Poppe, German mathematician and physicist
1912: Osborne Reynolds, British physicist
1926: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Dutch physicist
1938: George Ellery Hale, US Astronomer
1968: Howard Walter Florey, Australian Patologist, Discoverer of Penicillin
1980: Aldo Andreotti, Italian mathematician
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February 22
February 22
22. February 2025
1946: Dr Selman Abraham Waksman announces the discovery of streptomycin, an antibiotic.
Born in
1785: Jean Peltier, French physicist, in Ham. He studied thermoelectricity and discovered the Peltier effect named after him.
1857: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, German physicist and discoverer of electromagnetic radiation, in Hamburg.
1879: Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted, Danish chemist, in Varde. He developed an acid-base theory!
1902:Fritz Straßmann, German chemist, in Boppard. He is a co-discoverer of artificial nuclear fission.
1875: Charles Lyell, English geologist
1901: George Francis FitzGerald, Irish physicist
1976: Michael Polanyi, Hungarian-British chemist and philosopher
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February 23
February 23
23. February 2025
1886: Charles Martin Hall succeeds in a production process for aluminium after several years of experimentation.
1941: The physicist Glenn T. Seaborg bombards uranium 238U with deuterium in a cyclotron to produce the radioactive element plutonium for the first time.
1884:Casimir Funk, Polish biochemist, in Warsaw. He coined the term vitamins.
1855:Carl Friedrich Gauss, German mathematician, astronomer, geodesist and physicist, in Göttingen.
1944:Leo Hendrik Baekeland, Belgian-American chemist and inventor of bakelite, in New York.
1979: Werner Oswald, Swiss chemist and entrepreneur.
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February 24
February 24
24. February 2025
1582: Pope Gregory XIII introduces the Gregorian calendar
1896: The French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel presents his findings on the radioactive radiation of uranium to the Académie des sciences.
Born in
1705: Hieronymus David Gaub, German physician and chemist
1841:Carl Graebe, German chemist, in Frankfurt am Main.
1810: Henry Cavendish, English physicist
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February 25
February 25
25. February 2025
1836: Samuel Colt receives a patent for his invention of the drum revolver.
1837: Thomas Davenport receives the world's first patent on an electric motor.
1896: Ida Noddack-Tacke, German chemist
1903: Gerhard Schrader, German chemist. He worked with phosphoric acid esters, synthesizing insecticides as well as chemical warfare agents.
1947: Friedrich Paschen, German physicist
1999: Glenn T. Seaborg, US-American chemist and nuclear physicist, Nobel Prize winner
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February 26
February 26
26. February 2025
1531: An earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal, kills 20,000 people
Born in
1786: François Arago, French physicist
1807: Théophile-Jules Pelouze, French chemist
1878: Gustav Heinrich Angenheister, German geophysicist
1903:Giulio Natta, Italian chemist and discoverer of the stereochemical polymerization of olefins and ethine compounds, in Imperia. In 1963 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry together with Karl Ziegler.
1946: Ahmed H. Zewail, Egyptian chemist and Nobel Prize winner (femtochemistry), in Damanhur.
1879: Franz Leopold Sonnenschein, German chemist
1903: Richard Gatling, US inventor (Gatling gun)
1920: Carl Alexander von Martius, German chemist
1931: Otto Wallach, German chemist and Nobel Prize winner, in Göttingen. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1910 for his work on organic chemistry.
1933: Felix Auerbach, German physicist
1971: Theodor Svedberg, Swedish chemist, in Kopparberg. In 1926 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on disperse systems.
2001: Georg Brauer, German chemist
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February 27
February 27
27. February 2025
1477: With a papal bull Pope Sixtus IV approves the establishment of a university in Uppsala, Sweden. It is the oldest still existing university in Scandinavia.
1879: The US chemists Ira Remsen and Constantin Fahlberg report the discovery of saccharin.
1932: The journal Nature publishes an article by James Chadwick describing the existence of the neutron.
Born in
1947: Alan Guth, US-American physicist
1887:Alexander Borodin, Russian composer and chemist
1968: Hertha Sponer, German physicist
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February 28
February 28
28. February 2025
1928: The Indian physicist C. V. Raman experimentally detects a certain scattering of light, the Raman scattering named after the discoverer. This discovery and his work on the diffusion of light were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.
1953: The English biochemists James Watson and Francis Crick unravel the structure of the hereditary substance deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) on the basis of data from X-ray structural analysis by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins.
1683: René Antoine de Réaumur, French scientist and developer of the thermometer scale of the same name
1838: Maurice Lévy, French mathematician, physicist and engineer
1901: Linus Carl Pauling, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and Peace, in Portland.
1925: Richard Henry Dalitz, Australian physicist.
1939: Daniel Chee Tsui, Chinese-US-American physicist, Nobel Prize winner
1942: Martin Aigner, Austrian mathematician
1948: Steven Chu, US-American physicist
28:2:1911:Emil Jacobsen, German chemist and writer, in Berlin.
2013: Donald A. Glaser, American physicist and Nobel Prize winner
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