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Concentration of commercially available acids and bases

Concentration of commercially available acids and bases

Product Weight percent Density rho1.gif at 20 ° C. Concentration (mol / l; rounded)
Formic acid 98-100 1.22 56
Hydrobromic 40 1.38 7
Acetic acid 96 1.06 17
Acetic acid 99-100 1.06 18
Acetic acid, diluted DAB9 30 1.04 5
Hydrofluoric acid 48 1.16 28
Hydrofluoric acid 40 1.13 23
Hydroiodic acid 57 1.7 7.5
Perchloric acid 70 1.67 12
Perchloric acid 60 1.53 9
Phosphoric acid, concentrated (1.71) 85 1.71 15
Phosphoric acid, concentrated (1.75) 89 1.75 16
Nitric acid concentrated, 65 1.40 14
Nitric acid, smoking 100 1.52 21
Hydrochloric acid 25 1.12 8
Hydrochloric acid, concentrated (1:16) 32 1.16 10
Hydrochloric acid, conc. (1.18) 36 1.18 12
Hydrochloric acid. smoking 37 1.19 12.5
Sulfuric acid concentration, 95-97 1.84 18
Sulfuric acid. dilute 25 1.18 3
Ammonia solution 35 0.88 18
Ammonia solution 30 0.88 15.5
Ammonia solution 25 0.91 13.5
Potassium hydroxide solution 47 1.5 12.5
Potassium hydroxide solution 30 1.3 7
Sodium hydroxide 33 1.36 11

Source: MERCK Tabellen für das Labor Page 49

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    • Cesar Villalobos on 31. August 2017 at 2:16 AM
    • Reply

    Dear professor Steffen:
    Thank you for your useful page.
    In this table there appear to by a mistake: 35% ammonia and 30% ammonia share the same density.
    Beste wishes.
    Cesar Villalobos.


    1. Dear Sir,

      many thanks for your comment. You can find in the MSDS from different vendors values from 0.89 – 0.88 for both concentrations. My Source is from Merck “Tabellen für das Labor. In this book i found the given values.

    • Cesar Villalobos on 31. August 2017 at 2:12 AM
    • Reply

    Dear professor Steffen:

    Thank you for your useful page.

    In this table there appear to by a mistake: 35% ammonia and 25% ammonia share the same density.

    Beste wishes.

    Cesar Villalobos.

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