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Density of phosphoric acid

Density of phosphoric acid (M=97,99g/mol)

Density ρ at 20°C (g/cm³) mass percent H3PO4
1,0038 1
1,0092 2
1,0146 3
1,0200 4
1,0255 5
1,0309 6
1,0365 7
1,0420 8
1,0476 9
1,0532 10
1,0590 11
1,0647 12
1,0705 13
1,0764 14
1,0824 15
1,0884 16
1,0946 17
1,1008 18
1,1071 19
1,1134 20
1,1199 21
1,1263 22
1,1329 23
1,1395 24
1,1462 25
1,1529 26
1,1597 27
1,1665 28
1,1735 29
1,1805 30
1,216 35
1,254 40
1,293 45
1,335 50
1,379 55
1,426 60
1,476 65
1,526 70
1,579 75
1,633 80
1,689 85
1,746 90
1,770 92
1,794 94
1,819 96
1,844 98
1,870 100

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    • Erin on 2. March 2018 at 10:10 PM
    • Reply

    There aren’t any units on the density, making it not a reliable source. Are they supposed to be specific gravity values? Please update your data!

    1. Many Thanks for your comment.
      It is widely known, that the density is given in g/cm^3. But i have added this to the tables.

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