
NMR- Data

Isotope  187Os Natural abundance (%)  1.96
Spin 1/2 Magnetic moment μ/μN  0.1119804
Magnetogyric ratio
γ/107rad s-1T-1
 0.6192895 Frequency ratio
Reference Compound  OsO4 Sample conditions  CCl4. 0.98M
receptivity relative to 1H  2.43*10-7 receptivity relative to 13C  1.43*10-3
Larmor Frequenzies (MHz) vs. Bruker Field Strengths (Tesla)
7.04925 9.39798 11.7467 14.0954
 6.850  9.132  11.415  13.697
16.4442 17.6185 18.7929 19.9673
 15.979  17.120  18.262  19.403
21.1416 22.3160 23.4904
 20.544  21.685  22.826

Isotope 189Os Spin  3/2
Natural abundance (%)  16.15 Magnetic moment μ/μN  0.851970
Magnetogyric ratio
γ/107rad s-1T-1
 2.10713 Quadrupole moment
Frequency ratio
 7.765400 Reference Sample  OsO4
Sample conditions  CCl4, 0.98M Line-width factor
receptivity relative to 1H  3.95*10-4 receptivity relative to 13C  2.32
Larmor Frequenzies (MHz) vs. Bruker Field Strengths (Tesla)
7.04925 9.39798 11.7467 14.0954
 23.306  31.072  38.837  46.602
16.4442 17.6185 18.7929 19.9673
 54.368  58.251  62.133  66.016
21.1416 22.3160 23.4904
 69.899  73.781  77.664

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