Category: General

Link SciFinder-N and ACDLabs ChemSketch

A question asked again and again is, how can ChemSketch and SciFinder-N be effectively linked? Here is my way: Draw structure in ChemSketch Generate SMILES code and copy it to the clipboard Press the Draw button in the SciFInder-N structure search Copy the SMILES code in the upper right corner of the input line and …

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NMR- Data Isotope  231Pa Natural abundance (%) 100 Spin 3/2 Magnetic moment μ/μN Magnetogyric ratio γ/107rad s-1T-1 Frequency ratio Ξ/% Reference Compound Sample conditions receptivity relative to 1H receptivity relative to 13C Larmor Frequenzies (MHz) vs. Bruker Field Strengths (Tesla) 7.04925 9.39798 11.7467 14.0954 72.00 95.99 119.98  143.97 16.4442 17.6185 18.7929 19.9673 167.96 179.96 191.95 …

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NMR- Data Isotope  209Po Natural abundance (%) Spin 1/2 Magnetic moment μ/μN Magnetogyric ratio γ/107rad s-1T-1 Frequency ratio Ξ/% Reference Compound Sample conditions receptivity relative to 1H receptivity relative to 13C Larmor Frequenzies (MHz) vs. Bruker Field Strengths (Tesla) 7.04925 9.39798 11.7467 14.0954 73,08  97.42  121.77 146.12 16.4442 17.6185 18.7929 19.9673 170.47  182.64 194.81 206.99 …

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