Author's posts
Apr 12
Threonine (Thr, T)
NMR- data [1] of threonine: Atom Atomtyp chemical shift [ppm]1 Random Coil chem. shift3 Random Coil chem. shift 4 average standard deviation entrie2 H H 8.244 1.139 44831 8.15 8.15 Hα H 4.458 0.556 34443 4.35 4.61 Hβ H 4.172 0.837 31798 4.24 4.11 Hγ1 H 5.311 1.322 1227 – – Hγ2 H 1.139 0.331 …
Apr 12
Serine (Ser, S)
NMR- data [1] of serine: Atom Atomtyp chemical shift [ppm]1 Random Coil chem. shift 3 Random Coil chem. shift 4 Mittelwert Standardabweichung Datenbasis2 H H 8.279 0.615 50449 8.31 8.26 Hα H 4.483 0.497 39760 4.47 4.78 Hβ2 H 3.868 0.279 36618 3.89 3.85 Hβ3 H 3.841 0.296 33894 3.87 3.85 Hγ H 5.518 1.205 …
Apr 12
Proline (Pro, P)
NMR- data [1] of Proline: Atom Atomtyp chemical shift [ppm]1 Random Coil chem. shift 3 Random Coil chem. shift 4 average standard deviation entries2 Hα H 4.389 0.89 25927 4.42 4.73 Hβ2 H 2.068 0.374 24211 2.29 2.31 Hβ3 H 1.994 0.387 23405 1.94 1.91 Hγ2 H 1.917 0.346 21989 2.02 2.01 Hγ3 H 1.891 0.36 …
Apr 12
Phenylalanine (Phe, F)
NMR- data [1] of phenylalanine: Atom Atomtyp chemical shift [ppm]1 Random Coil chem. shift 3 Random Coil chem. shift 4 average standard deviation entries2 H H 8.349 1.212 30015 8.30 8.13 Hα H 4.621 0.684 22810 4.62 4.90 Hβ2 H 2.99 0.385 21407 3.14 3.14 Hβ3 H 2.931 0.408 20858 3.04 2.97 Hδ1 H 7.034 0.417 …
Apr 09
Methionine (Met, M)
NMR- data [1] of Methionine: Atom Atomtyp Chemical shift [ppm]1 Random Coil chem. shift3 Random Coil chem. shift4 average standard deviation entries2 H H 8.260 0.625 16373 8.28 8.25 Hα H 4.423 2.756 12988 4.48 4.82 Hβ2 H 2.021 0.632 11698 2.11 2.04 Hβ3 H 1.990 0.563 11022 2.01 1.97 Hγ2 H 2.35 1.633 …